2014年5月28日 星期三

Change Eclipse UI Theme (改變Eclipse的UI風格)

         對一位長時間盯著電腦螢幕codeing的software engineer來說,白背景其實還蠻傷神的(至少對我而言是如此);因此決定尋找將Eclispe UI Theme改為黑底的方法。
        在要將Eclipse UI theme改為黑底之前,請先確認您的Eclipse是否有Eclipse Marketplace(如圖一)

圖一、確認有Eclipse Markerplace

  • 如何安裝Eclipse Marketplace(如果您的Eclipse已經有了請跳過此步驟)
  1. Help → Install new Software → Add
  2. Name:Kepler
    Location:http://download.eclipse.org/releases/kepler(如圖二)→ Click "OK"
  3. Select "Kepler - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/kepler"(如圖三) → "Marketplace Client" → Next → Follow the Wizard Step by Step → Finally you will see the result Like 圖一
圖二、add software site
圖三、install Eclipse Marketplace
  • 更改UI Theme為黑底
    • Eclipse Moonrise UI Theme
    • Eclipse Color Theme
  1. Help → Eclipse Marketplace(開啟Eclipse 市集)
  2. Search "Eclipse Moonrise UI Theme" → Click "Go" → Install "Eclipse Moonrise UI Theme 0.8.9"(如圖四)
  3. Search "Eclipse Color Theme" → Click "Go" → Install "Eclipse Color Theme 0.13.1"(如圖五)
  4. 變更偏好設定
    Mac版:ADT → 偏好設定(如圖六)
    Windows版:Window → Properties
  5. General → Apperance → Theme : Select "MoonRise(Standalone)"→ Click "Apply"(如圖七)
  6. General → Apperance → Color Theme → Select you like color theme → Click "OK"(如圖八)
圖四Search "Eclipse Moonrise UI Theme"
圖五、Search "Eclipse Color Theme"
圖六、Mac版:ADT → 偏好設定
圖七、Change Theme
圖八、Change Color Theme

